Bible Reading Podcast
Week 28, Day 2 — A minute with the Word
Series: 2024 Bible ReadingAnd now a minute with the word…
When you compare the readings between 1 Kings 16 and 2 Chronicles 15-16, there’s an obvious contrast that stands out. The kingdom of Israel is in turmoil. In the span of a few years, there is political upheaval as kings are assassinated and a new man claims the throne for himself. By contrast, the kingdom of Judah is relatively stable. Throughout the reign of King Asa, there is peace until the 35th year of his reign (2 Chronicles 15.19). The reason is simple: Israel decided to not walk in the ways that God had told His people to walk in. Asa, on the other hand, is described as being wholly devoted to the Lord his entire life (2 Chronicles 15.17). Let us learn from the lesson of King Asa. When we seek God and live for him, God will not abandon us (2 Chronicles 15.2).