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Date Title Author Topic
02/09/25 What’s the Hurry? Smith, John A. Bulletin articles 20250209_Whats_the_Hurry.pdf
02/09/25 Three congregations Hall, Gardner Bulletin articles 20250209_Three_congregations.pdf
02/09/25 Sins of the Tongue Rogers, Heath Bulletin articles 20250209_Sins_of_the_Tongue.pdf
02/02/25 The Best Use of Our Freedom Hardin, Jason Bulletin articles 20250202_The_Best_Use_of_Our_Freedom.pdf
01/19/25 Well Placed Faith Henry, Gary Bulletin articles 20250119_Well_Placed_Faith.pdf
01/12/25 To Habitual Late-Comers Hall, Bill Bulletin articles 20250112_To_Habitual_Late-Comers.pdf
01/05/25 Preschool Henry, Gary Bulletin articles 20250105_Preschool_Gary_Henry.pdf
12/29/24 Sin Craves Approval Himmel, Jeff Bulletin articles 20241229_Sin_Craves_Approval.pdf
12/22/24 The Language of Ashdod Weaks, David Bulletin articles 20241222_The_Language_of_Ashdod.pdf
12/15/24 Do You Want To Be Close To God? Abernathy, Dennis Bulletin articles 20241215_Do_You_Want_To_Be_Close_To_God.pdf
12/08/24 The Crutch of Self Moyer, Doy Bulletin articles 20241208_The_Crutch_of_Self.pdf
11/24/24 Better Be Careful Bowman, Dee Bulletin articles 20241124_Better_Be_Careful.pdf
11/24/24 Protect Your Heart Dvorak, Allen Bulletin articles 20241124_Protect_Your_Heart.pdf
11/17/24 Secular vs. Spiritual Moyer, Doy Bulletin articles 20241117_Secular_vs._Spiritual.pdf
11/10/24 Pattern or Chaos? Paschall, Jeremy Bulletin articles 20241110_Pattern_or_Chaos.pdf
10/27/24 What Determines Right? Crews, Bill Bulletin articles 20241027_What_Determines_Right.pdf
10/20/24 Israel’s Downfall at Ai Welch, Joshua Bulletin articles 20241020_Israels_Downfall_at_Ai.pdf
10/13/24 Friendship Discernment Campbell, Kyle Bulletin articles 20241013_Friendship_Discernment.pdf
10/06/24 That Familiar Ring of Truth Hall, Bill Bulletin articles 20241006_That_Familiar_Ring_of_Truth_Bill_Hall.pdf
09/29/24 My Credit Card and My Soul Clifford, Rufus III Bulletin articles 20240929_My_Credit_Card_and_My_Soul.pdf
09/15/24 The Problem of Heartless Prayer Henry, Gary Bulletin articles 20240915_The_Problem_of_Heartless_Prayer.pdf
09/08/24 Make Sunday Special Bowman, Dee Bulletin articles 20240908_Make_Sunday_Special.pdf
09/01/24 The Church’s Purpose Hall, Bill Bulletin articles 20240901_The_Churchs_Purpose_Bill_Hall.pdf
08/25/24 Just As I Am Himmel, Frank Bulletin articles 20240825_Just_As_I_Am.pdf
08/18/24 The Scarlet Cord Hennecke, Matt Bulletin articles 20240818_The_Scarlet_Cord.pdf

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How Can I Be Saved?
Hear - Romans 10:17
Believe - Hebrews 11:6
Repent - Acts 2:38
Confess - Romans 10:9
Be Baptized - 1 Peter 3:21
Live Faithfully - Revelation 2:10

We Would Love to Study!
We see it as our purpose to teach others the good news of Jesus Christ. Please contact us if you would like to study the Bible together or would like more information about our congregation.

  1. Sun AM Worship
    2/16/25 09:00am
  2. Sun AM Bible Study
    2/16/25 09:50am
  3. Sun AM Worship*
    2/16/25 10:45am
  4. Wed PM Bible Study
    2/19/25 07:00pm
  5. Ladies' Bible Study
    2/21/25 10:30am
  6. View Full Calendar