Bible Reading Podcast
Week 10, Day 5 — A minute with the Word
Series: 2024 Bible ReadingAnd now, a minute with the Word…
Numbers 9 is an important historical milepost, because it marks exactly one year since Israel’s exodus from Egypt — and what a year it had been! The Passover, the exodus itself, the Red Sea crossing, the destruction of the Egyptians, undrinkable water made drinkable, manna and quail from heaven, drinking water from a rock, defeating the Amalekites, God’s presence at Mt. Sinai, Israel’s covenant with God and commitment to keep His Law, their violation of that covenant with the golden calf, Moses’ intercession, their repentance and restoration, the establishment and consecration of the priesthood, and the construction and dedication of the tabernacle — this is Israel’s story. But more than that, at every turn it is God’s story — His promises, His faithfulness, His love, His patience, His grace, His mercy.